Piano Tuning

Piano tuning in Oxford; High Wycombe; Daventry; Didcot; Northampton; Northamptonshire;  Oxfordshire; Buckinghamshire; London (All areas); Abingdon; Gloucestershire; Hamel Hampstead; Hertfordshire, Maidenhead, Reading and Surrounding Areas. We offer our piano tuning service to schools, studios, concert halls,operas,weddings and private clients.
Importance of Piano tuning

Piano tuning is a process that should be a priority to any piano owner.  First and foremost; having your piano tuned regularly has a great benefit of sounding GOOD and being stable. A piano that is not tuned regularly causes the pitch to drop flat of A440 meaning the piano can not be played with other instruments.. When your piano is tuned regularly, any potential problems are picked up and addressed before they escalate. This keeps repair costs low and the piano stable. In addition; ideally a piano should be tuned at least once a year. Regular tuning helps maintain a stable long tune.

There are other benefits which might not be seen as directly linked to tuning your tuning regularly. For example; when you are trying to encourage your children to take up piano lessons, first and continued impressions are very important. The piano has to sound pleasant, when a piano is out of tune you fail to connect. I am not saying this as a piano tuner but someone who appreciates good sound. It can be quite confusing for children to play a piano in tune somewhere; then come home to a piano that is out of tune. The interest can be taken away, creating that consistency can go along way in encouraging them to keep learning and playing the piano.

Why does a Piano go out of tune?

A piano goes out of tune by playing it overtime or changes in the environment. Therefore; the temperature where the piano stays should be between 18 – 25 degrees Celsius and humidity between 40-60%. The temperature and humidity levels are very important, having them on either extremes will damage the piano. It is important to remember that pianos are made of wood. Furthermore; another reason why your piano may go out of tune is if there are cracks in the pin block.

Pitch Raise 

When a piano goes for a long time without being tuned, the piano goes flat making it sound horrible to play. When the piano is below concert Pitch, the pitch can be raised at the same time as the tuning. It not recommended to allow the piano the pitch to stay low, however, it is still possible to have the piano just tuned without raising the pitch.

Minor Repairs

Minor repairs can sometimes be done in situ at the same time the piano is being tuned. Depending on the repair, this could be included together with the price of the tuning. A few examples of minor repairs include, fixing sticky notes, rattling or loose keys, loose screws, re-gluing Ivory keys and minor repair on pedals.

Response time

The piano tuner can be tuning your piano within 24 hours in cases of emergency or convenience. However in most cases, an appointment will be made within the first 7 days of making an enquiry.